From Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 14:58:27 -0400 (EDT) From: Elizabeth Flanagan To: Tammy Rae & Kaia Subject: Re: An honest question.... hi, you don't know me, but brock has forwarded this letter to me. first, I am BethX from the chainsaw message board. what i wrote in the Chainsaw post is factually accurate. I've cited sources to the information. You can email Dallas Denny for any additional information. secondly, i have to admit, i'm rather disappointed in your stance. No, disappointed is the wrong word. Angered is better. I'm sorry, but it sounds no more than the same lame ass justifications NOW used back in the 60's and 70's to expell lesbians from the organization. Except this is in a way worse. You preach trans-acceptance, yet you not only have little understanding of transsexuals/transgendered, but you activly support a policy to exclude them. Had you that understanding, you would know that: a. A trans woman is as much a "real woman" as you or any other woman born woman is. b. trans-inclusion does nothing to violate the sanctity of women only space. I'm sorry. I have to say that I not only will not buy any product your band or label produces, but I fully intend on posting/emailing this to every single friend I know, email list i'm on, web message board I post to, etc etc. encouraging them to do the same, until your position on this poilcy and your willingness to support it has changed. beth flanagan aka BethX ***** From Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:43:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Elizabeth Flanagan To: Tammy Rae & Kaia Subject: Re: An honest question.... On Thu, 10 Jun 1999, Tammy Rae & Kaia wrote: > Beth, > The Butchies are in the studio for the next 3 weeks and will not be > around to adress this matter. It really is an important matter, and I really do hope that you would find the time to do so. > If you feel the need to bring down a label that makes no money, has > never cut a profit and probably never will, a business that Kaia and I > work our asses off trying to keep it afloat (a minimum of 20-30 hours a > week on top of the 40 hour a week jobs we need to pay our bills, and in > my case to support my family) a business that has my entire measly life > savings invested in it - then go ahead. I feel the need not to support a policy that is a. totally not just a little bit silly b. incredibly bigoted If that means not supporting your label and your band or the label or bands of anyone else who supports this policy, then that is hardly my fault. I'm sorry that you can't see that by playing michigan you lend your support to this policy. For you it's a matter of simple economics and wanting to play in your band. For me, and the other sisters outside those gates it's a matter of Equal Rights and basic human dignity. > I suggest you put your energy where the real enemy is; I'm going to by > not responding any further to your unjust and hostile attack on us and > by having a discussion with the organizers of the festival. You are not my enemy. Neither is the festival. The policy is however. By supporting this policy when you are in the position to attempt to make a change... i dunno, it just disappoints me. I'd expect better from people in "the scene". Oh well, i get disappointed in people more and more each day. I thank you for taking the time to respond and I hope your discussion with the people who runs the fest is fruitful. Understand, please, that if I came off harsh I apoligize. But this is something that is very important to me. When my whole existance is demeaned (and this policy does demean it) i have a habit of fighting back. again, thank you for the response. -beth